A diver practising skills during our Recreational Sidemount Course in Gozo with Sidemount Society.

Recreational Sidemount Course

Foundational sidemount course in Gozo

Discover what all the fuss is about and master the essentials of sidemount diving in this foundational sidemount course in Gozo (Malta)
3-4 days depending on your needs, expectations and progress
group size
2 divers max for your comfort of learning
Entry Requirements
- min 15 years old
- OWD or equivalent
- good buoyancy control
600 EUR
The price includes:
- e-learning
- tanks & fills
- equipment
- certification upon completing the course exit  requirements

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Recreational Sidemount Course in Gozo in Details

In this foundational sidemount course you will discover the many benefits of sidemount. With cylinders mounted directly alongside your body, you will experience greatly improved comfort, stability, trim and overall balance in the water. You will learn to dive longer and stronger with added redundancy and gas management. At Sidemount Society, we believe that proper buoyancy forms the platform for mastery of all other skills. With this in mind, your training will be as follows:

The first and the most important part of your recreational sidemount training. You will learn how each part of your setup compliments one another. In properly configured equipment, you will become one with your surroundings.
Building muscle memory on land prepares you for the water. There are many skills to practise including; donning and doffing procedures, management of independent cylinders, SAC rate calculations, dive planning, hand signals and communications.
Now the real fun starts.  It's time to master your entries & exits, S-Drills, gas switching and equipment failure procedures.  All sessions will focus on advanced buoyancy, finning techniques and optimising your weighting & trim.
To round off your recreational sidemount course you will master sidemount adaptations for out of air & emergency rescue procedures.
Configuration & Setup
The first and the most important part of your recreational sidemount training. You will learn how each part of your setup compliments one another. In properly configured equipment, you will become one with your surroundings.
Dry runs & theory
Building muscle memory on land prepares you for the water. There are many skills to practise including; donning and doffing procedures, management of independent cylinders, SAC rate calculations, dive planning, hand signals and communications.
In-water training
Now the real fun starts.  It's time to master your entries & exits, S-Drills, gas switching and equipment failure procedures.  All sessions will focus on advanced buoyancy, finning techniques and optimising your weighting & trim.
Rescue & Air Sharing
To round off your recreational sidemount course you will master sidemount adaptations for out of air & emergency rescue procedures.

Rec Sidemount Course in Gozo - Certification

This course is a specialised rec sidemount course and will meet and exceed the minimum standards for the following certifications. Our aim is not just to teach you the basics, but to provide you with the strongest base skill set from which you can continue to grow and improve after the course. You can choose which agency you would prefer to be certified with and obtain one of the following certificates:

Why Train with Us?

Best Instructors

Train with an instructor who eats, breathes and sleeps sidemount.

Here, Sidemount is not just another course among hundreds of courses - it’s the main event! We exceed all agency standards and make sure you don’t leave the course as a liability on dive sites and boats.

Small Group Sizes

We choose quality over quantity any day!

Small group sizes. 2 divers max per course, 4 divers max per guided dive. Without a doubt, the smaller the group the better the experience.

Personal Approach

Courses are completely tailored to you, your needs and your diving preferences.

Perhaps you want to dive sidemount in a drysuit with steels or on holiday in the tropics with a wetsuit and Ali’s. We’ll make sure you’re confident and ready for anything.

to Safety

Learn to sidemount efficiently and safely by focusing on entries, exits and emergency drills.

Diving in sidemount configuration requires extra consideration for keeping yourself and others safe and taking care of emergencies. Become an asset to any dive team by enhancing and practicing your Rescue skills.

The Right Way

Learn skills and procedures at the right level and become fully competent.

Save yourself months of frustration. Many divers take a sidemount course that is far too basic and leaves them with massive gaps in their knowledge and skills. Don’t be that diver. We have invested in our own diving skills and education and we use this base to teach to the highest level.


Frequently Asked Questions about our Rec Sidemount Course

What is Sidemount diving?

Sidemount diving is a type of scuba configuration where cylinders are mounted alongside the diver’s body instead of being carried on the back like in traditional scuba diving.

Why should I take a Sidemount diving course?

Learning to dive Sidemount will challenge you to be a better diver by improving and expanding your current diving skills. Sidemount diving has many advantages for most divers.

You can find out more about the benefits of sidemount diving in our article: Why dive sidemount?

What are the prerequisites for a recreational Sidemount diving course?

Divers must be 18 years old (15 with parental consent) and certified as Open Water certified (or equivalent). Divers should have good buoyancy and the ability to frog kick.

How long does a sidemount course take?

Sidemount courses vary in duration depending on the instructor, training agency and current skill level of the diver. Most beginner sidemount courses, such as our Recreational Sidemount Course in Gozo, take around 3-4 days to complete.

Are Sidemount courses suitable for beginner divers?

Yes, beginner Sidemount courses are suitable for divers who are Open Water certified (or equivalent) with good foundational dive skills such as good buoyancy, horizontal trim and advanced propulsion techniques.

What equipment is needed for Sidemount diving?

In addition to standard scuba equipment (exposure suit, mask, fins, computer, weights), you will need a dedicated harness and wing, two sidemount regulators, and sidemount cylinder rigging.

How is Sidemount diving different to traditional backmount diving?

Sidemount diving is a type of scuba configuration where cylinders are mounted alongside the diver’s body instead of being carried on the back as in traditional scuba diving.

Are there any additional risks or disadvantages associated with sidemount diving?

In sidemount, The change in configuration of the regulators results in the need for specific gas management procedures which could pose an additional risk if not handled correctly.

What safety considerations are unique to sidemount diving?

Sidemount divers are required to switch regulators throughout the dive and use special techniques in case of malfunction.  Divers should invest in proper training, dive planning and maintenance of equipment to minimise the risks of diving.

Is sidemount diving only for technical divers?

No. Sidemount is suitable for recreational divers who meet the minimum age requirement and are Open Water certified (or equivalent). Sidemount diving has many advantages for recreational divers.

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Recreational Sidemount Course

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