About Sidemount Society

Why Sidemount Society - Discover the Art of Diving

Sidemount Society is a place for divers who are seeking a challenge, for those who want to add a new dimension to their time underwater, or have already been bitten by the sidemount bug and want to take it to the next level.

Sidemount Society is based on the diving playground of Gozo in the Mediterranean. After being blown away on our first visit in ‘22, we spent the following year diving around Southeast Asia before deciding that this gorgeous gem of an island would be an excellent base for Sidemount Society. In our opinion, with more than 30 diverse dive sites accessible from shore, it is the perfect place to practise sidemount diving.

Sidemount Society Team

Chris Godlewski

You will be guided on your sidemount journey by Chris Godlewski – a passionate diver, sidemount instructor and photographer who eats, breathes and sleeps sidemount. To Chris, sidemount is not just a configuration – it’s a way of life! Chris believes that sidemount will revolutionise your diving and he loves nothing more than sharing this with others. 

Chris specialises in recreational and technical sidemount training, teaching you to use this beautiful configuration whether it’s with 2 tanks or more. Your sidemount course will be completely tailored to you, your needs and diving preferences.  Whether you dive dry, wet, aluminium or steel, Chris will help you to optimise your setup for perfect trim, balance and stability in the water. Not only will your diving radically improve, you will also be safer, more self sufficient and aware of yourself and your surroundings.

Chloe Godlewski

Chloe has been a freelance scuba instructor since 2014 teaching in Mexico, London, Philippines and Gozo! She loves to share her love of the weird and wonderful underwater world – especially with new divers. Chloe caught the sidemount bug in 2018 after discovering that improving your sidemount skills is quite addictive! Chloe can often be found posing for Chris’s photography projects and practising underwater meditation in Gozo’s caves. Chloe is in charge of Marketing and provides surface and safety support for Sidemount Society courses.

Perhaps you’re already an experienced sidemount diver and want to show off your sidemount skills in a Sidemount Story, photo or video shoot?  Book a photoshoot or check out our gallery for inspiration!

Book a Photoshoot

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When will you be in Gozo?
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