Sidemount Society | The Art of Diving | Gozo and Malta

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Dive and Train with Us

Discover and Master the Art of Sidemount

Why Sidemount?

Sidemount diving is a form of art. Not just in aesthetics but more importantly the freedom of movement through the water. In properly configured sidemount, you become one with your equipment and your environment. You can stop, pause, breathe, completely relax and be still. You’re balanced, stable, in control. You move through the water as one streamlined unit.

Why Dive and Train with Us?

Best Instructors

Train with an instructor who eats, breathes and sleeps sidemount.

Here, Sidemount is not just another course among hundreds of courses - it’s the main event! We exceed all agency standards and make sure you don’t leave the course as a liability on dive sites and boats.

Small Group Sizes

We choose quality over quantity any day!

Small group sizes. 2 divers max per course, 4 divers max per guided dive. Without a doubt, the smaller the group the better the experience.

Personal Approach

Courses are completely tailored to you, your needs and your diving preferences.

Perhaps you want to dive sidemount in a drysuit with steels or on holiday in the tropics with a wetsuit and Ali’s. We’ll make sure you’re confident and ready for anything.

to Safety

Learn to sidemount efficiently and safely by focusing on entries, exits and emergency drills.

Diving in sidemount configuration requires extra consideration for keeping yourself and others safe and taking care of emergencies. Become an asset to any dive team by enhancing and practicing your Rescue skills.

The Right Way

Learn skills and procedures at the right level and become fully competent.

Save yourself months of frustration. Many divers take a sidemount course that is far too basic and leaves them with massive gaps in their knowledge and skills. Don’t be that diver. We have invested in our own diving skills and education and we use this base to teach to the highest level.

About Us

Sidemount Society is a place for divers who are seeking a challenge, for those who want to add a new dimension to their time underwater, or have already been bitten by the sidemount bug and want to take it to the next level.

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